About this site

The idea for this site began with me wanting somewhere to bring together the work from my undergraduate studies that I was most proud of. Originally this was simply going to be a clearfile or ring binder, but as my data science journey progressed, I realised the advantages of an online format and the learning opportunities that would come with it.

I say learning opportunities, because I created this site myself - everything has been coded and designed by me using Bootstrap and a bit of Microsoft Paint. Is the result perfect? No, but I've learned to stop chasing perfection, because it stifles productivity. (Of course, as my skills improve, I do hope to improve the site).

Upon assembling my work all in one place, it surprised me just how much the themes overlapped to form a cohesive portfolio. You may be wondering, then, how I decided whether an essay belonged in the Geography or Data Science category for example. These categories refer to the subject that the work was submitted under. However, I choose to refer to Spanish as Hispanic Studies to reflect that the relevant work is not limited to learning the language; and all of my data science projects so far are gathered into one category since I am yet to complete very many.

You might notice some stylistic differences between projects, particularly when it comes to referencing. This is due to different courses having different formatting requirements. With that being said, you will see that any mention of specific courses has been redacted from the work I include on this site. The aim of this is to deter plagiarism.

I hope you enjoy browsing my portfolio!

photo of a kererū in some trees